Introducing OptionRoom
OptionRoom is a user governed oracle and forecast protocol built on Polkadot.
OptionRoom is a governed oracle and forecast protocol built on Polkadot. Our aim is to create a scalable protocol with multiple use cases: from oracle as a service to limitless event derivates.
Protocol Features:
OaaS: User governed Oracle as a service: OptionRoom has the ability to serve as an OaaS — Oracle as a Service where oracle requests are solved by governance.
User governed forecast market protocol: OptionRoom allows users to create and participate in event derivatives that are pegged to real-world outcomes by governance consensus
Dual token model: Dual token model: ROOM serving as the utility token of OptionRoom and COURT serving as the governance token of the protocol.
Governance staking and authenticity score: Users stake their court for an increasingly higher authenticity score, meaning more voting power. Honest governance participants are rewarded with ROOM while dishonest participants are punished.
LP mining: The governance token COURT can only be obtained by providing liquidity/staking the utility token ROOM
Self-sustainable and community based: Protocol fees fuel a buyback mechanism. The founders of OptionRoom receive no percentage of the protocol fees.
Built on Polkadot: OptionRoom v2 is planned to be built on Polkadot.
User incentives: OptionRoom rewards protocol and governance participants. Pools creators get rewarded with a percentage of the pool winnings, creating an incentive to promote their pools.
Reward buffer pool: Excessive fees generated from the protocol are diverted to a reward buffer pool to be used as protocol rewards reducing inflation.
Multiple use-cases: OaaS, limitless prediction markets, decentralised polls, dispute resolution, decentralised surveys, curated lists — are some of the use-cases of OptionRoom’s architecture
Our mission:
Our mission is to create a self-reliant protocol with multiple use cases powered by the community. By rewarding honest protocol participants and punishing bad actors we aim to create a governance that is pegged to the real world without relying on outside data streams.
We aim to create a strong and diversified community over time, thus making the protocol truly decentralised.
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